¿Qué pasará en el próximo episodio?

This is the vocabulary you will need to retell the story in classroom discussions and speak about aspects of the story in comparison to your own life. The words in bold in the reading appear below. For grammar explanations and translations of other words, also see the Reading Help section below.


to break, to break off

el compromiso

the engagement


to survive

un, el salario fijo

   a fixed salary


to guess (¿Adivinas….? = Can you guess?)

Sira rompe su compromiso con Ignacio. Su madre se siente1 dolida porque Sira se opone a ella, pero también está asustada2. ¿Cómo van su hija y ella a sobrevivir ahora sin3 el salario fijo de Ignacio? Dolores no quiere conocer a Ramiro. No tiene ningún interés en él. Sin embargo4, quiere que Sira conozca5 a otro hombre importante en su vida. ¿Adivinas quién puede ser?

se siente1 = feels (reflexive verb: infinitive+se: these verbs imply that someone does something to themselves; they are conjugated normally but they have a reflexive pronoun in front of them: levantarse: me levanto, te levantas, se levanta, nos levantamos, os levantáis, se levantan); está asustada2 = she is scared; sin3 = without; sin embargo4= however; quiere que Sira conozca5 = she wants Sira to meet (present subjunctive: it is a conjugation used to express subjective ideas or actions, such as to give opinions or advice, to express feelings, to talk about unspecific people or things or to express uncertain future actions. It is almost always used depending on a main verb in the present indicative: conozca, conozcas, conozca, conozcamos, conozcáis, conozcan).