¿Qué pasará en el próximo episodio?

This is the vocabulary you will need to retell the story in classroom discussions and speak about aspects of the story in comparison to your own life. The words in bold in the reading appear below. For grammar explanations and translations of other words, also see the Reading Help section below.


too much


to spend (están gastando= they are spending)

pelear, pelearse

   to fight, to fight with each other



un negocio

a business

invertir en

to invest in

Sira y Ramiro están disfrutando1 de cada2 momento en Tánger, quizás3 demasiado. Ninguno4 de los dos trabaja y están gastando mucho dinero. Empiezan a5 pelear cuando Sira se pregunta6 cómo van a continuar viviendo7 con ese lujo y tener un negocio. Invertir en un negocio es una decisión muy importante.

están disfrutando1 = they are enjoying (present progressive: estar + gerund -ando, -iendo, -yendo (-ing form in English)); cada2 = each; quizás3 = maybe; ninguno4 = none; empiezan a5 = they start to (stem-changing verb e→ie: Some verbs in the present tense change the spelling of their infinitive form from e→ie in all conjugated forms except nosotros and vosotros: empiezo, empiezas, empieza, empezamos, empezáis, empiezan); se pregunta6 = she asks herself (reflexive verb: infinitive+se: these verbs imply that someone does something to themselves; they are conjugated normally but they have a reflexive pronoun in front of them: me pregunto, te preguntas, se pregunta, nos preguntamos, os preguntáis, se preguntan); continuar viviendo7 = continue living (continuar = to continue, to keep: it is usually followed by the gerund -ando, -iendo, -yendo (-ing form in English).