Martha Speaks Episode 2: Martha’s Advice


In this episode, you will see more of Carolina, Helen’s cousin. A cousin is a family member. They go to the movies. Also, the students are preparing for a party at their school. The party is called “The Hokey Hoe-down.” They will wear special clothes to dress like a farmer or a person from the countryside.

In the town where the family lives, Martha is talking a lot now. In fact, she has fun giving people advice and opinions on the radio. She is the host of a radio show. But, the people do not know Martha is a dog!

General vocabulary to know

The Main Characters

Martha, the dog

Helen, the girl

Truman, the boy and a friend of Helen

T.D., the boy and a friend of Helen

the mom

the dad

Jake, the little brother of Helen

Carolina, Helen’s cousin

Other characters

Mrs. Cluskey

the teacher

Playback Speed:    50%    75%    Normal


Parents and Teachers: This vocabulary does not need to be memorized in order to watch the episode. But reading first will be helpful. We call this the “front-loading” of the vocabulary. This way, the student has some knowledge of the vocabulary words when he or she comes upon them. It also helps the student to see the words in context to know what will be coming in the episode.

Unlike the specific scene vocabulary to help the student comprehend the viewing scenes, this vocabulary here is a general, working vocabulary for the English language. Much of this vocabulary will be repeated in many episodes throughout the entire program.

to communicate

talking and listening

to exclaim

to speak suddenly and loudly

to mumble

to speak unclearly in a low voice

to hear

to listen with your ears

to see

to look with your eyes

to wear

to put on clothing

to fit

the way clothing sits on the body

to go to the movies

to go to the movie theater

to persuade

to talk someone into doing something

to prepare

to get ready for an event or a party

to celebrate

to have fun with family or friends


talking to give help to someone


when you say what you think about an idea

a party

when people celebrate and have fun

a cousin

this is the child of an aunt or uncle; an aunt is a parent’s sister, an uncle is a parent’s brother

the host

the main person who speaks on a radio or tv show

the pants

clothes worn on the legs

the shirt

clothes worn on the upper body

2A Poster Image

Video Segment 2A

T.D. asks Martha to help him in class. T.D. says Martha ate his homework!
Truman listens to the radio.

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Video Segment 2B

Carolina is Helen's cousin. Fashion is very important to her.

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Video Segment 2C

Carolina and Helen go to the movies. But Helen's clothes are not good in her opinion.

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Video Segment 2D

Martha speaks on the radio!

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Video Segment 2E

Martha gives advice, but people do not know she is a dog.

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Video Segment 2F

Helen is worried about her clothes.

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Video Segment 2G

Everyone is listening to Martha's advice.

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Video Segment 2H

Helen is sad. T.D. wants her to go the the party at school.

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Video Segment 2I

It looks like everyone is trying Martha's advice.

Post-Viewing Quiz

Helen needs advice for…


In this episode, Martha was talking a lot. She gave people her advice. The people listened. They thought Martha was a real person! Martha gave advice about eating, playing, and many things. Helen, Carolina, T.D. and Truman had a party to prepare for. T.D. wants to dress in special clothes.

Do you remember what kind of clothes? Do you wear special clothes for parties at school? What happened next?

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